theMILL just sent nearly 200 college students and 20-somethings around the world on a two week missions trip. I gave a small recap of the trips at theMILL this last Friday (to listen click here / to watch recap video click here). I think every Christian needs to go beyond the borders of their country to share the Gospel at least once in their lifetime (for a more detailed explanation of why click here)
Just as the Israelites (God's chosen people) were given a covenant through Abraham in Genesis 12:2-3 to "bless all the people on the earth", this still applies to us today as the people of God. This is reiterated in Acts 1:8 as Jesus commissions his disciples to go to the uttermost bounds of the earth.
I had the privilege of going to Peru and being with a team in the city of Iquitos where we literally changed a single mom's life in one day! In six hours we tore her old house down and built her a new one all for $450 - Extreme Makeover Home Edition (Peru style). She and her five kids went from living in the mud in a house held together by string and wire to a solid house with a door, rooms and beds. My favorite part of the day was when one of the girls came home from school - she was gone before we got there and returned when the new house was almost done - she had a mix of shock and joy on her face that won't soon fade from my memory.
Check out these pictures that track this day in Peru and what just this one team did on MILL Missions 2010.
I feel happy for you guys.
Posted by: Substituição de Vidro Automovel | January 25, 2011 at 01:26 AM
Renee- YES!
Adam - great question. I actually addressed this in the message I gave at theMILL the week after everyone got back. (The link to the podcast is at the top of the blog post). I challenged everyone to live with the same posture of heart that we have on a mission trip every day of the year. Missions is a lifestyle not a location or a task - as followers of Jesus we are all on mission.
Jacob - can't wait for theMILL to work with you and Noelle in Cambodia!
Posted by: Aaron Stern | August 06, 2010 at 05:11 PM
That is so awesome!
Posted by: Renee | July 26, 2010 at 11:00 PM
Thanks for sharing these pictures bro. I have no doubt that God did mighty things through the hands and feet of these willing servants.
On another note, how do you help instill the idea that we, as Christians, are to live a missional lifestyle? It's so easy to come back from something like this and almost be depressed to be back home. We seem to equate the feeling of God with the location. Just wanted to hear some of your thoughts.
Posted by: Adam | July 25, 2010 at 11:41 AM
This gets me excited!!
Posted by: Jacob Goodlin | July 21, 2010 at 04:59 PM