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January 20, 2010


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Helpful blog.
The Sunday service as we know it in the west is often such an odd thing.
As are church cultures in my experience.
An hour or two is singing, listening, taking notes (for the hungry), tea then home to eat with the family
I think it's better to have the koinonia than the eccelsia. If you only had one.
I think true Koinonia is a rare thing in modern western churches..
Too many 'go' to church and appear to be 'in'
Yet many have honest open relationships but are 'out' of the church.(eccelsia)
There is rarely enough room for honest questioning about all things in the eccelsia now the leaders started getting paid.
The church had no specific buildings for 300 years

Aaron Stern

Renee - No matter which part of church we have a greater affinity for the part we have a harder time with is probably the part that will help us the most. Thanks for your comment.


Oh my Aaron. This is so well written. I want everyone to read this. It reminds me of 2 things that make me sad. One, when ministers (aren't we all) neglect to be part of a local church. I feel like they lose accountability and gain the attitude that since they are a preacher they don't really need to go to church. And two, I feel like the wonderful on fire emerging youth place more value on the small group settings...I am the church...we r the church...and they don't put any value on going to church consistenly because they are afraid of rules and legalism. My parents made me go to church. And now even if I don't feel like it, I go to church. Because it helps me, it encourages me, and there may be someone there that needs me. One night I told God I didn't feel like going to church and I felt like I was pretty strong in His presence that night, clicking along in my walk with Him. And He reminded me that church services aren't just to fill me up, but that I could actually go with helping others in mind! Ouch!

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