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May 20, 2009


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Aaron Stern

Amy M. - great point. I have experienced different seasons where each is needed in greater measure. I am dependent on on the Spirit in both. The problem is when we are not looking for what each day holds and we get stagnant.

Amy M.

I have thought that the Bible does this on purpose so that we will seek God about everything. Why? Because sometimes we have to be more wise and sometimes we have to have more faith. It just depends on the day.

Aaron Stern

Alie, Dan and Arnie - You're welcome! God is always at work!

Mike - totally agree. To have one without the other breeds the wrong thing. They do work in tandem with each other. Knowing God is always the goal and anything that keeps us from that must be avaioded or removed.


Thanks Aaron! This is great!

Dan Mejia

I have to agree with the last comment. This came at a perfect time for me to read. God definitely is speaking through you about this for certain people for certain reasons. For that I thank God and you! Awesome bro!

arnie mccall

Aaron, I can't tell how timely this post was for me today! Thanks bro. Hope your fam. is doing well.

Mike Collins

You present these opposing ideas as "both and." Indeed, wisdom cannot be separated from Faith. That's how cults and Phrarasie clicks are formed.

Personally, I have to be careful that I don't fall in love with wisdom, even from the Bible, more than I fall in love with God.

I remember when David Perkins came for a visit to our church. On the way from the Airport, we were comparing books that we like. While talking I had this overwhelming sensation that "I knew more about God than I actually know God. David is someone that knows God. I want to know God better!"

Thanks for the timely reminder.

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