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February 05, 2009


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louboutin schaussures

I thank thee that I am none of the wheels of power but I am one with the living creatures that are crushed by it.

Thanks on your marvelous posting! I seriously enjoyed reading it, you could be a great author.I will remember to bookmark your blog and definitely will come back at some point. I want to encourage one to continue your great job, have a nice evening!


Thanks on your marvelous posting!quite enjoyed reading it, you are a great author.I will always bookmark your blog and will come back in the foreseeable future. I want to encourage continue your great writing, have a nice weekend!

Aaron Stern

Carol - I agree that we need to offer opportunities to others and chances are that when we innovate and develop successful products there will be opportunities for others as a result.

Carol Prentiss

Great article Aaron. I'd like to add a few things. Yes, America is the land of opportunity. We are given opportunities, but we also need to offer opportunities. So many bask in all the opportunities given to them but don't turn around and give a chance to those hoping for a similar opportunity to come their way. They are too busy making the most of their opportunities to offer any to other people who may be in the situation they once were in. If it is in our power to do good, we should. If we are in a position to offer opportunities, then we should, rather than just taking all the opportunities we can.

Aaron Stern

Tamar - thanks for your comment. In an effort to raise four boys in a world that can be unfair I am definitely interested in your book. I will pick it up. As parents we have a desire to protect from hurt but in the end we would do them a better service to teach them how to navigate the hurt.

Colin - great to hear from you. Without an incentive to improve, complacency sets in that kills excellence. Or energy is given to excellence in areas that should be eliminated. Bailouts prohibit the market from communicating.

Terra - So true. Our tendency is always to rationalize, deflect and minimize responsibility. Taking full responsibility isn't always easy but necessary for future growth.

Scott - my bad on including Ford in the list of those receiving bailout money. I think I was thinking only about the fact that they were part of the initial meetings with Congress about the need for help.

Cassie - it definitely isn't always easy but produces the best for everyone in the end.

Tamar Chansky

Wonderful article, thank you! Your understanding of the importance of failure will help greatly in your work as a college pastor. Kids today take the wrong messages away from their "failure" experiences-- they decide that it's permanent and final and they shouldn't try. Failure can be a great motivator (and there is no such thing as a total failure).

I devote an entire chapter of my new book, Freeing Your Child from Negative Thinking: Powerful, Practical Strategies to Build a Lifetime of Resilience, Flexibility and Happiness, to the topic of teaching kids how to "fail, lose, and handle jealousy and disappointment." These are skills, they can be taught.

If you are interested in reading an excerpt, or reading an article that I've written for parents and one for educators on overcoming negative thinking, please check out my website:

All best to you,
Tamar Chansky

Collin O'Bryant

Aaron, you are right. You make a great point about how the short term "stimulus" legislation and bailouts will save jobs now, but the long term implications could be devastaing. I heard a Harvard economist make that point on CNN yesterday, in fact. He mentioned that it was crazy amounts of spending and debt that got us into this, so how could more crazy amounts of spending and incurring a whole lot of new debt get us out?

All this bailout language smells of one thing we might start to expect to see a little more of in the future: mediocrity.

Terra Fisk

LOL! I find it hilarious that your post actually elicited a response from Ford Motor Company. Wow!

Anyway, I think the over arching point is that human nature never wants to take responsibility. We always have to blame someone else for our failures, lackings, etc. Even if the "playing field" was perfectly level as Mr Monty and others would like it to be, the best would always rise to the top. Jesus never promised us equality with each other just equality in our standing before God. A world view that doesn't see man as innately sinful has trouble with that!

Scott Monty

No, Ford did not receive any government loans. We began our transformation plan two years ago and are continuing on that path. Our statement from December can be found here:

You also might look into how much government assistance the Japanese automakers have gotten from their governments over time. It's not a level playing field.

Scott Monty
Global Digital Communications
Ford Motor Company

Cassie Strong

AMEN!! That is so true. I own a restaurant and when things get rocky and sales are down due to competition, economy, or whatever. I am forced to ask myself these same questions and many creative and innovative things have come from it. Great blog, thanks!

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